Tuesday, 28 February 2012

OUTFIT | #38

cardigan, necklace: Topshop; t-shirt: Primark; skirt: H&M; boots; River Island

This outfit is, in many ways, a little out of my comfort zone. I don't usually shop in Primark for clothes. I'll only pop in occasionally for socks or tights. I also don't typically wear graphic t-shirts. They remind me of when I was 14 and went through an emo band-tees-and-too-much-eyeliner phase, it wasn't pretty. But when I saw this t-shirt in the Primark menswear section the other day, I knew I had to have it. 

I'm a big John Hughes/bratpack/80s film fan so this shirt is kind of a dream come true (apart from how Ally Sheedy looks a bit like a creeper/gremlin, poor thing). Yes, I may have been born in 1992 and never actually lived through the 80s. However my father likes to think the 80s never ended, so I grew up in a bubble watching films like Some Kind of Wonderful, The Breakfast Club and listening to way too much synth pop. (I am pretty awesome at 80s music quizzes, I won't lie)

Saturday, 25 February 2012

OUTFIT | #37

jumper: Topshop; jeans: J. Crew; flats: Tory Burch; nails: Revlon 'Fuschia Fever'; lips: NYX 'Tea Rose'

Everything I tried on today felt wrong. Maybe it's something to do with the warm weather we've had lately; my wardrobe is definitely not ready for Spring. My hair and make up were no problem but I had clothes all over the floor and still nothing seemed 'right'. It's times like this that I think about setting my clothes out the night before, like your mum did for you as a kid.

In the end, I gave up and threw on something this jumper which has become my new uniform. I've worn it every day since I got it in the Topshop sale. (I nearly bought it for full price too, one of the few times being indecisive has paid off!) It's ridiculously comfy and I'm trying to make the most of 'sweater weather' before it's too late.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

OUTFIT | #36

coat: H&M; jumper: Topshop; jeans: Hollister; flats: George @ ASDA; hairband: my sister's

I've had the 'flu or something since last weekend so today was the first day I was actually able to get dressed and go out in a while. Opted for comfy options to ease myself back into the world of real clothes; all I've worn all week is PJs. 

My sister did my hair. I'm far too cack-handed to bother with anything other than a plain old ponytail. I might have to give one of these hairbands a go though. I'm always looking for quick, lazy-girl friendly ways to distract from bad hair days. 

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

UNIVERSITY | Things I Learnt From My First Semester

I'm now in my second semester at university and while I'm not claiming to be The World's Greatest Student™, I do feel like I've picked up a few bits of knowledge along the way based on my experience. I feel like I should share what (little as it may be) I've learnt so far because, as shown by my choice of Hello Kitty stationery, I take this university stuff very seriously...

Fresher's flu - it happens
Twice, actually. I basically spent the month of October bedridden and surrounded by used tissues (grim). My advice to you: always keep a supply of cold medicine on hand. University is full of germs, guys.

Snacking is expensive - learn to cook
Presumably, you'll be paying for all your own food now so when you finish that packet of chocolate digestives, the only person who's going to go out and buy another is you. After a while, all those biscuits add up and you don't feel quite so flush anymore. Instead, try and eat 3 decent meals a day so you don't end up blowing all your loan on junk food (spend your biscuit money on a student cookbook if you're totally hopeless - they do help!) and put your leftovers in the fridge for tomorrow's dinner.

Say yes to new things, and don't be afraid to go alone
You'll have heard it all before, but it's true - there really are so many new things to try at uni. Definitely sign up for a few societies or clubs, go along to their meetings and keep an eye out for interesting lectures. Yes, it can feel absolutely terrifying to go alone sometimes (trust me, I've been there) but once you're there, you'll meet other people and feel really stupid for being so worried. Take yourself out of your comfort zone a bit. There's nothing wrong with doing things for yourself and/or by yourself.

University can be a lonely experience
Television and films may lead you to believe it's all getting drunk and going out, which isn't totally false, but you also spend a lot of time alone working. Whether it's in the library or in your room, uni can sometimes feel quite isolating, especially when you're away from home. Just don't go into it expecting to have fun constantly. You will have a lot of fun, but there's also a lot of downtime too.

Make friends with everyone, not just your flatmates
Yes, it is easy to settle into a little group with your flatmates and they may be lovely people. But there are other people out there too. Bear in mind: you are not with your flatmates out of any mutual interest, most of the time you'll be put together through sheer random selection. Talk to people in your classes, lectures, societies, the pub, wherever. There is a world outside your flat; explore it.

No seriously, don't leave it 'til the last minute
Your first year may not necessarily count towards your degree but it never hurts to get into good habits. Yes, I sound like a total swot saying that but it is a really good idea to make sure you don't slack off too much (you're still allowed to have fun). When you get an assignment, start it sooner rather than later and definitely not a few hours before it's due in. 

Sunday, 5 February 2012

OUTFIT | #35

dress, top: Zara; tights: H&M; boots: River Island; watch: Sekonda; nail polish: Revlon 'Carbonite'

I call this 'what I wish I wore today'. In reality, I wore this plus a million other layers because it's -5C outside. Huge ugly cardigan, winter coat, scarf, boots, you name it, I was bundled up in it. It keeps threatening to snow too, much to my displeasure. 

Oh god, you know what I just realised? It's February and I'm wearing a heart print dress. I hope no one took that as a strange nod to early Valentine's Day festivities...

Friday, 3 February 2012


Here is a list (since I love lists) of a few things I've been enjoying lately:

-L'OrĂ©al Color Infallible Eyeshadows: I want to buy these in every shade. They're so easy to wear; perfect lazy day make up. My favourite is 'Sahara Treasure'.
-Revlon 'Red Velvet' Lip Butter: I've mentioned this before but it's just that good. I've worn it every day for 2 weeks now, which is unlike me, and I always get compliments on it. At first I wasn't convinced but now, it's probably one of my favourite lipsticks I own.
-Lana Del Rey Born To Die: Yes, I'm an LDR fan and this album is constantly on repeat. I couldn't care less about the matters of her personal life (I'm the same with any artist), I just like her music.
-Parks & Recreation: Why I had never watched this show before? I want to be Leslie Knope. Admittedly, the first season is absolutely rubbish but once you get past that, Parks & Rec can do no wrong.
-Twitter: Lately, I feel like I've been enjoying Twitter more. I'm not sure why; I've used it for years and it's one of my favourite places on the internet but right now, I'm just on a Twitter kick.
-Bloglovin: In a similar vein, I've been using Bloglovin more too. Usually I go on, get overwhelmed at how many blog posts I have to read and click 'Mark all as read' then log out. But I decided to be brave and read through them all and I've really been enjoying it.

Other places you can follow me: Twitter // Tumblr // Bloglovin // Pinterest