I never thought I'd be wearing shorts in October but for the past week or so, the weather has been gorgeous. 28 degree weather with less than 100 days until Christmas (yes, I just became that person), it's the strangest thing. I've even got a tan. In October. The mind boggles.
This weather also means that all the lovely autumnal clothing I packed for university was incredibly inappropriate. So, I've basically been living in these Zara shorts while I pine for the summer clothing I left at home, having scoffed at the thought of wearing it again once September rolled around.
blouse, top: H&M; shorts, belt: Zara, satchel: White Stuff
Also, I'm still trying to figure out a good way to take pictures in my new room. I'm currently without my tripod too, which isn't helping matters. No angle seemed to work so hopefully in my next outfit post, I'll have sorted all that bother out. In the mean time, my apologies for this faceless and footless picture. It was, I'm afraid, the best shot I got out of the lot.