Sunday, 14 July 2013

OUTFIT | #146

jumper, jeans, necklace: Topshop; shoes: Converse; watch: Casio; lipstick: Revlon 'Cherries in the Snow'

I wore this out for dinner with some of my oldest friends. One definite perk of my hometown is some of the people. I whine about being here, a lot, I admit. But seeing my family and old friends I've known since I was a bratty child with bad taste in eyewear, is pretty great. We went for a Nando's, classic, and a few drinks in a pub garden afterwards. I wasn't feeling like dressing particularly fancy, to be honest. I'd spent the majority of the day watching films on Netflix in my pajamas so I was in the mood for comfortable over anything else.

Hence the new jeans, which are basically my best find of the year. I'm not always one to be really excited to wear something new straight away, but I had to throw these one. Nothing else would do. I let my sister do my hair too, since I wasn't feeling having it down. She's much better at all that fancy hair crap than I am. Left to my own devices, I maybe curl it once a blue moon but otherwise I let it just do its thing. I leave it to her to do the cool stuff with it, since I'm useless at all that.

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