Friday, 3 January 2014

OUTFIT | #185

jumper, jeans, necklace: Topshop; boots: H&M

Wearing blue jeans feels odd. I have so many black pairs now I almost never wear anything else. I wanted to wear my brown boots today though and you know my issues with brown shoes by now. Wearing black jeans and brown shoes just never looks right to me. Enter blue jeans. These are my second pair of Topshop Leigh jeans now. I pretty much exclusively wear Topshop or BDG jeans these days. I'm really not into the low-rise look anymore, and they both offer great high-waisted options. Plus, in the past, I've struggled to find jeans that fit because my waist is much smaller than my hips, and I haven't found that to be an issue with Topshop or BDG. Would highly recommend.

This is a pretty Topshop heavy outfit. Lately they've been dead on point. I used to be a big H&M girl, but since their revamp this year they've been pretty hit or miss for me. Whereas I've been walking into Topshop and leaving a lot poorer than I went in on several occasions recently. Oops. I think after the damage I did in the Boxing Day sales this year, I should be set for new clothes for a while now. Probably best to give my credit card a little recovery time.


  1. she is looking great with this jeans. i will purchase one for my wife.
    Full Count

  2. Oops. I think after the damage I did in the Boxing Day sales this year, I should be set for new clothes for a while now. Probably best to give my credit card a little recovery timeindian party dress
