cardigan, boots: H&M; blouse: Forever 21; skirt: Topshop; watch: Seiko
I feel like this outfit could be summed up in one sentence: 'It was warm, so I wore linen.' Since that's basically what happened. Redundant statements aside, I had this training thing all weekend where I'd be indoors mostly so I had to layer in case it was cold inside or something. The bright coral linen blouse was my homage to the warm weather though. Coral is one of those rare brights I like. Pink looks atrocious on me but coral seems to work. Even with the red hair. It was actually warm enough to ditch the cardigan for most of the day too. Small miracles, I tell you.
This blouse is one of many dirt-cheap button-downs I bought at Forever 21 when I was in the US. That place is such a goldmine. I know we have it in the UK now but not anywhere near me so it's still a novelty. I usually just stock up on blouses and those camisole undershirts I wear under basically everything, since those things are like $3 a pop and amazing for layering/keeping my cold ass warm in the typically rubbish British weather.
Cute outfit. I love high wasted skirts like that one, just makes everything look great.